Today, there are a host of tools to help entrepreneurs and SMEs work better and faster. Discover our selection of apps to make your daily life easier!
Follow the progress of your work.
Tired of the post-its reminder that pollute your desktop? Based on a system of “cards” and columns, Trello makes it easy to plan your tasks and track their progress.
Fluidize your workflow
Tired of repetitive tasks? Zapier and IFTTT link your applications together using “if/then” logic: “if I receive an email with an invoice, then save the attachments in my Drive“. Automations that will save you precious time.
Exchange between colleagues
Need a chat app to discuss your projects, exchange opinions and share files? The professional messaging Slack allows you to create individual, group or team professional chats with your collaborators, but also your clients!
Boost your productivity
Do you know the “Pomodoro” technique? It consists of dividing your day into “sessions” of 25 minutes of total concentration, followed by a short break. Want to give it a try? The PomoDone timer is a great place to start, and even allows you to block notifications during your session.
Fill in your “timesheets”
Need to know how much time you spend on a task or project? Try Time Doctor: this software minutes and records your work sessions. It also calls you to order if you get lost on the web or Facebook.
Optimizing your questionnaires
Tired of not very user-friendly online questionnaires? Typeform lets you create forms with a clean design, from a template or according to your criteria.
Simplify document sharing
Google Drive allows you to store documents online and share them with your team, customers or suppliers. Its main advantage is that you can work on the same document with several people at the same time.
Fluidizing note-taking
Evernote offers to centralize, classify and share all your useful information: notes, photos, scans, info gleaned from websites, PDFs… An advanced search interface and a system of notebooks and tags makes it possible to find all this info in a few clicks.
Creating beautiful visuals
Want a presentation that “pops”? Canva lets you quickly create attractive visuals online. You can also start from one of the thousands of free templates to move forward faster.
Organize your management
Need a Swiss knife for your management? Try Smoall. This online app offers you: project management, tracking charts, quotes, invoices, team agenda. A little extra: it allows you to send your invoices to your accountant!