As with every new year, you feel like making some good resolutions? But you have no idea? Here are 5 ideas for good resolutions to make easily.
Digitise your administrative work
Consacrer du temps à des tâches administratives vous fait perdre de l’argent. Économiser ce temps est donc vital pour votre business. Passer au numérique pour votre facturation et le suivi de vos créances est une première étape. Et pourquoi ne pas tenter de numériser la gestion de vos projets ou de votre prospection commerciale ? Vous débutez ? Essayez le Hive5 Business Tool, que nous avons conçu spécialement pour les freelances.
Look after your network
Looking for new clients, new partners, or simply opportunities to exchange and share ideas? Why not participate in a networking event? Do this once a month, and don’t forget your supply of business cards. Not sure where to start? The Hive5 regularly organises events for its members, and some are also open to anyone interested in networking.
Don’t wait until the last moment to find new customers
Do you have a few clients, enough to make your business profitable and your schedule full? Don’t stop there. No one knows what the future will bring. If you keep looking for new customers, you will be less vulnerable if one of your customers decides to leave you overnight. Dedicate a few hours a week to your business development.
Increase your visibility on social networks
Update your LinkedIn profile. Create a page for your company on LinkedIn and Facebook, and why not a Twitter or Instagram account. Share interesting content related to your business and your target audience. Share these ” statutes ” on your private profile, and don’t hesitate to ask some friends to do the same. This will give you more exposure!
Go work in a coworking space
Spending even one or two days a week in a coworking space will give you the opportunity to, among other things
- change of scene
- expand your network
- talking to people who can help you with a problem you are having
- Finding new clients
These are some good resolutions that should give your business a boost at the start of the year. This will set you on the path to an exceptional 2018. And that’s all we wish you…