Coworking for large companies?

Du coworking pour votre grande entreprise ?

As a business owner, you’re always looking for new ways to optimize your employees’ performance. Many have opted for teleworking, but did you know that some companies are increasingly turning to coworking? Explanations.

To avoid a long and sometimes tedious journey

It’s no secret that not all employees of a company live next door to their workplace. While most companies have opted for teleworking to relieve their employees of an often stressful commute, others have decided to switch to coworking. Indeed, coworking spaces are becoming more and more numerous in the big Belgian cities, which increases the possibility of a shorter commute for your employees.

To avoid teleworking

Teleworking is a growing trend in companies. However, this practice also has its downsides: it leads to isolation and does not necessarily increase the productivity of your employees in the long term. Coworking, halfway between the traditional company and teleworking, is an alternative that combines the best of both worlds.

to save money

Coworking spaces are cheaper than traditional offices. Fully equipped, you can rent one or more offices, by the day, half-day or month. The offers are more flexible and, in the end, allow you to make real savings on your infrastructure costs.

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